GERRY WEBER In­ter­na­tion­al AG, based in Halle / West­phalia, is a globally operating fashion and lifestyle group that unites three strong brand families under one roof: GERRY WEBER, TAIFUN and SAMOON. Our brands stand for high-quality and trend-oriented fashion as well as ac­cessor­ies for the dis­cern­ing, quality-conscious and fash­ion­able customer. Each brand em­phas­izes the wearer’s in­di­vidu­al style in its own unique way.


“WE ARE SO GERRY” – In­di­vidu­al, casual, clear and con­vin­cing. This attitude includes everyone – whether as a group or as an in­di­vidu­al.

GERRY WEBER wants to encourage women of all ages to live what they love and be who they really want to be – in and with GERRY WEBER. Age is just a number and rather stands for sov­er­eignty and in­spir­a­tion.

The brand offers re­li­ab­il­ity through expertise in tailoring, fit and material. GERRY WEBER supports women in living their lives in an ex­press­ive and self-de­term­ined way.


 The TAIFUN brand moves between the poles of sporti­ness and joie de vivre. It is curious, cour­eous, pas­sion­ate and mo­tiv­at­ing.

It faces life's chal­lenges and solves them. Our TAIFUN customer is agile and wants to keep moving. In her head as well as in life. She rejects stag­na­tion, is pas­sion­ate, yet is always relaxed. This woman has a desire to make life sur­pris­ing.

The brand follows the guiding principle “WE LOVE TO MOVE.” TAIFUN stands for diverse color com­bin­a­tions and clear, bold prints. The brand builds on its know-how in cut, fit, material qualities and uses and im­ple­ments this flexibly. The colors and prints convey zest for life.


As a brand, SAMOON always stands for body.

The attitude line “BECAUSE I'M HAPPY” sums up the self-confident "being happy with oneself" of the curvy target group. It's about feeling good in your body and enjoying lovely moments with pleasure and intensity. The col­lec­tions stand for a positive body awareness and convey joie de vivre, because “Beauty has no size!”



Продавец-консультант Gerry Weber
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